How to Grow a Native Garden on a Budget
If you’ve recently learned about the importance of native plants, changing up your whole garden can get expensive. Native plants can also be hard to find for sale. But don’t worry, it’s totally possible to help the planet with a native garden without spending much money at all.
Why is Soil Important to Humans?
Soil health has been proven to be directly linked to human health. The vast majority of our food either comes from plants grown in soil or animals that eat those plants.
Soil also has the ability to filter and clean water. On the other hand, soil that has been polluted runs off into sewers and contaminates municipal water supplies.
Why We Need to Stop Killing Wasps
Did you know that wasps are incredibly important to our ecosystems? They serve not only as generalist pollinators but also as predators who control populations of other insects.
What is Regenerative Gardening?
Regenerative gardening is when we use our garden as a tool to restore and improve the land from the impacts of poor practices. Regenerative conditions continue to improve, and not deteriorate, over time.
How Do I Find Plants Native to My Area?
The bulk of what you’ll find at the average garden center in the United States are plants that originated in Europe or Asia. But how do you find plants native to your area?
Stop Raking Leaves for a Healthier Eco-Friendly Yard
Raking leaves isn’t just a time-consuming chore, it’s also detrimental to soil health, wildlife, and creates pollution. So this autumn, trust in Mother Nature’s systems and leave the leaves.
The Link Between Lawns and Climate Change
The reality is that lawns are doing much more harm than good. They’re causing serious damage not only to our environment and climate but to human health.